Midas Mileage Management, to manage business and private mileage costs for accurate claims and savings on business mileage. Midas journey entry is fast and efficient with Google Maps. Enables full compliance with HMRC requirements. Midas “Lite” mileage capture, to report a simple, monthly mileage summary for fuel management.
Manage and control your employees expense claims online. Having an online expense management system gives the ability to cut the time spent making expense claims and reduce the administration associated with processing them. Detailed reports enable you to understand and manage what is being claimed and the levels of expenditure.
Ensure all drivers hold valid driving licences with real-time, online checks, direct with the DVLA. It goes without saying that all drivers must hold a current valid licence. It is your responsibility to ensure anyone driving on your company business has their licence checked regularly, with more frequent checking for higher risk drivers.
Fulfil your Duty of Care obligations when drivers use their own vehicles for business purposes. Regular checking of drivers’ vehicle documentation is essential. Midas can help you meet the standards required to protect your organisation.
Midas offers a robust method to allow you to offer all the convenience of using fuel cards without incurring Benefit in Kind tax. We provide an innovative, cost-effective solution to give you accurate calculations for business and private mileage costs and flexible options for repayment of private use, applying mileage rates according to your business rules.
Midas FMS Ltd has extensive experience in fleet management services, compliance and driver support. We are one of the top providers of fuel management systems within the UK. Midas FMS Ltd is part of the Pertemps Network Group. Pertemps started out as a one-off family business in Birmingham back in 1961, and has now grown to become a market leader as one of the largest staffing providers in the UK Originally developed in-house for Pertemps, our Midas fuel management system helps businesses keep an accurate bespoke record of all business trips and journeys to help you manage the costs. Our expenses module complements this enabling efficient online input, processing and reimbursement of any other expenses. Additionally, we provide innovative and effective solutions to help you control your mileage costs, CO2 emissions and Duty of Care.
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